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Creating Refresh

Refresh function in use to create a "refresher" back to the blog page or website. This refresh function similar to refresh the existing functionality in Internet browsers, the only difference that this function works automatically created, ie the user does not need to press the refresh button on the tool bar there.
To make it enough to just put the code below:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"/>

Save the above code between <head> .... </head>

little description of the above code, content = "10" -> number of ten shows that the process of doing a refresh will be in the range of 10 seconds. So these figures should be set not too fast because it can cause annoyance to the reader if too quickly in the refresh.
Refresh function other than to refresh the pages of the blog, there are other functions which are also quite interesting, which serves as a redirect from one URL to the URL addresses of other addresses. This works if you want to bring visitors to your blog or website address of the site you want. For clarity, I take one example. There has been a long time my friend blog, and after all this time later he made the new site. So the old blog did not want the switch on again (on non-switch). Now in addition to wearing a way to leave a message that the address of a site or blog has changed addresses, it is wonderful that we adopt the Refresh function in the setting as soon as possible the refresh time on the set 0 (zero) seconds. So if there are guests who visit the blog address will automatically be brought directly to the new address is in want.
Redirect function can be created with the code:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=write the destination URL address here"/> 

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