
Busana Muslim
Cintia Bella dan Nabila Syakib......In today's world fashion is very important. And the most important factor is your clothes. It shows how you think to wear your clothes. Your clothes make a fashion statement. You will shine with confidence with your fashionable clothes to stand up straight and carry yourself with grace.
So many styles or troubleshooting guides available to see and feel good about you. The most important thing is jewelry and other fashion accessories are like the icing on the cake. Which shows the final touches. Create your own style and dress to impress and make a fashion statement.

Few Fashion Tips
You must have a lot of clothes than in the hands of the perfect neutral for matching. You can wear jewelry that best suits you with clothes and with the right attitude. Some women do have a perfect figure but some do not. You should receive your deficiencies and work with them. You must know your body before you put on some accessories that match your clothes. Even you can style your hair. To have a beauty hair, you need to use some good conditioner or hair oil that match your hair. To have a complete fashion you need to know all this troubleshooting. Half than they are logically attracted to clothes, styles and colors that compliment your figure. Experiment a bit and try something a bit differ than your muzik habits. Adapted clothing such as cellular women's tops and jeans that are pleasing to all the great friends one royal. You should buy clothes that compliment your figure and do not forget to wear jewelry. To make a short neck look longer wear blades or open shirt collar, necklace complete with a long exposure.
Half the women who have large breasts and women with wide hips may choose shoulder pads. Attractive with a shiny necklace or collar, and yes, do not forget to wear earrings. If you buy a skirt or leather pants to be sure that they feel comfortable when purchasing. Several artificial skin products are also available on the market that can give you great wear for a season or two without needing to falter but will be no doubt that whether it would be possible to use after one or two years. You must not forget the earrings or bracelets when you go to a party. This gives the final touch to see you. You may change your view of the jewelry trade only.

Actually, fashion is a way to expose you. Large a party you should assess the natural person and to a certain extent you can judge a man than his fashion. Fashion is not just for young performers or models such as some women who do not need to have bellive latest fashion fabrics. Fashion clothes that you wear shows what kind of person you are. If it was done in a good way, can enhance your beauty. And yes, now a day, depending on the mode of beauty. Fashion is a measure of how someone who is beautiful. In Modern society, an ancient man disliked by many people.
Fashion may change overnight. Today may be the trend will be somewhat differ. And also a joke that if someone has bought clothes today, she must wear it today because tomorrow it might be out of fashion. Not only depends only on the fashion fabric, bathing suits and bikinis. It also depends on your hair. You may have a fashionable hair. Some useful, such as long hair like some useful short hair. There are so many troubleshooting for hair. You can make your hair style by doing step cut, blunt-cut, straight cut, u-shape styling of hair and others are also modes differ. It's also in cosmetics. And even in shoes.
We should not think a world without fashion. Now everyone wants to be fashionable. And the fashions changing every day.

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Busana Muslim
Some time ago we asked our web developers to create new categories for army clothing. We were very surprised by the question because we do not offer such products. Then we asked the reason for the request. He replied that he saw a lot of products called 'Tank Top'. He saw the word 'Tank' on Google and found it means is the car of steel. So we thought our web developers to offer clothes for the motorist steel. As we explained to him about the definition of 'Tank Top' he had more the question about fashion. Then we decided to make a bit of knowledge about fashion in Indonesian language. We also want to distribute to our visitors.

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Busana Muslim
Robe is one piece of clothing Muslim women with straight model, long and loosely cover the entire body from chest to ankle, so the wearer does not have to look for superiors or subordinates because it is in unity.
Although the robe is categorized in a simple dress in terms of fashion but the pattern was much enhanced by the designers to play a mix of colors, materials, motifs on clothes or even equipped with a muffler so the clothes seem more luxurious.

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Busana Muslim
Refresh function in use to create a "refresher" back to the blog page or website. This refresh function similar to refresh the existing functionality in Internet browsers, the only difference that this function works automatically created, ie the user does not need to press the refresh button on the tool bar there.
To make it enough to just put the code below:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"/>
Save the above code between <head> .... </head>
little description of the above code, content = "10" -> number of ten shows that the process of doing a refresh will be in the range of 10 seconds. So these figures should be set not too fast because it can cause annoyance to the reader if too quickly in the refresh.
Refresh function other than to refresh the pages of the blog, there are other functions which are also quite interesting, which serves as a redirect from one URL to the URL addresses of other addresses. This works if you want to bring visitors to your blog or website address of the site you want. For clarity, I take one example. There has been a long time my friend blog, and after all this time later he made the new site. So the old blog did not want the switch on again (on non-switch). Now in addition to wearing a way to leave a message that the address of a site or blog has changed addresses, it is wonderful that we adopt the Refresh function in the setting as soon as possible the refresh time on the set 0 (zero) seconds. So if there are guests who visit the blog address will automatically be brought directly to the new address is in want.
Redirect function can be created with the code:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=
write the destination URL address here"/>

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Busana Muslim
Setting up a guest book (shoutbox / guestbook) on a blog is a pretty nice thing is important, because this guest book is one of the means for interaction between having a blog with the blog visitors. With the shelf in the guest book in the blog, so the visitors can express his heart out about the blog that you make, the exact contents of a guest book can be highly variable this is a compliment, question, just for fun, or there is also a criticism of the content of the blog you, and precisely by the variation of our blog so that makes life more vivid (rich ads).
Ok, too long intermezonya yes, now we go back (to the lap ... top) to the topic. How do I get a guest book. To get very easy, you just look at search engines such as google or yahoo, just typing the word free free shoutbox or guestbook on each search engine site, then in a few seconds will appear decades earlier site guest book provider, you stay click and take a look-see. But to save time you search, so here I will immediately give the site address of the server provider of the guest book is pretty good and rarely experience down the http://www.shoutmix.com. For the way you please follow the steps below:
1. As usual you should first list by clicking on the writings Get One noe, free>>, or by clicking on Sign Up writings, please you write your data on the form that has been on offer.
2. If you already tedaftar, and accepted as a member shoutmix, please your login with your id
3. In the column entitled "Style, click the menu appearance.
4. Please click on the pulldown menu next to Load From Preset to adjust your view guest book, please select the line with your wishes. If you are finished click Save Settings.
5. To get the HTML code of your shoutbox, please click the Use Shoutbox under the Quick Start menu
6. Click writings Place Shoutbox on the web page. Contents Shoutbox width and height of the desired
7. Copy all the existing HTML code in the text area under the Codes Generated text, then save it in your Notepad program
8. Click Log out which are located on your screen to exit from your shoutmix pages. Please close the site.
9. Completed
To place this shoutbox HTML code in your blog, please follow the steps below.
For bloggers with a classic template:
1. Log in first to blogger.com with your id
2. Click on the Template menu
3. Click Edit HTML
4. Paste the HTML code of your shoutbox has been copied in notepad where you want
5. For details shoubox I take the example with mine, to put it in a browser just click Edit and select Find (on this page) .. then write the words guest book then click on the find, then we will immediately take it to the text. If you have found this article please paste its HTML code shoutbox.
6. Click the Preview button to see our changes.
7. If it fits with earlier changes, click Save Template Changes
8. Completed
Clue slightly, so that your shoutbox match the size of the sidebar width, you can change the width or height of the shoutbox, you just change the numbers the way Width (width) and Height (for height) than those in the HTML code shoutbox.
For new Blogger:
1. Please Login with your id
2. Click the Layout menu
3. Click Page Element
4. Click Add a Page Element
5. Click Add to Blog button under the HTML / JavaScript
6. Write the title of your shoutbox on the form title. Example: my guest book, or my guestbook or whatever you like
7. Copy and paste the HTML code in your shoutbox form Content
8. Click the Save Changes button
9. Drag & Drop elements that you have been in place for the likes
10. Click the Save button
11. Completed
Good luck!

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